Design and implementation of a low-level language for interaction nets


  • Shinya Sato

machine of AMINE Here, we review the definition of the abstract machine formally: 42 Definition 3.3.2 (Notations for maps) • We use [ ] as an empty map. • Let ψ be a map. We use the following notation: ψ[x 7→ a](z) def =  a (z is x) ψ(z) (otherwise). When ψ(x) is undefined, we use the following notation: ψ[x 7→ ⊥](z) def =  undefined (z = x) ψ(z) (otherwise). We may also write ψ(x) = ⊥ when ψ(x) is undefined. Definition 3.3.3 (Connection maps) • We define a heap E as a map from a name into an annotated term. • We define a connection map P as a map between names having the following property: if P(x) = y then P(y) = x. We use the following notation: P[x↔ y](z) def =  y (z is x) x (z is y) P(z) (otherwise). When P(x) is undefined, we use the following notation: P[x↔ ⊥](z) def =  undefined (z = x) P(z) (otherwise). – We write P1P2 as the union map of P1 and P2 where a given argument is applied to P2 before P1. – We write Pr as the result of replacing each occurrence of a name x for the domain and range of P with conserving their relationship by a fresh name xr respectively. Definition 3.3.4 (Interaction operation) • Interaction rules in the abstract machine have the form: (α(~s), β(~u), P). We require that there exists at most one rule for the same active pair, and each rule is closed under symmetry, thus if (t, s, P) exists then (s, t, P) also exists. In addition, we also require that there is no name which occurs in both ~s and ~u. 43 • We use Rm as a set of interaction rules in the abstract machine. To write a rule corresponding to r ∈ R, we need to split each linear name x in r into fresh names x1 and x2 respectively and store their linking information as P[x1 ↔ x2]. We denote a rule in the abstract machine for r ∈ R as Compile(r), and a rule set for R as Compile(R). • We define the interaction operations in the abstract machine as follows: Interaction(α(~ s1), β( ~ u1)) def =  (Ann((~ s1, ~ sr), ( ~ u1, ~ ur)), P r) (when (α(~s), β(~u), P) ∈ Rm) (−, [ ]) (otherwise) where ~ sr, ~ ur, Pr are the result of replacing each occurrence of a name x for ~s, ~u and P, conserving their original relationship respectively. Error((( ~ xa).α(~s), ( ~ ya).β(~u))) def =  − (when (α(~s), β(~u), P) ∈ Rm) (( ~ xa).α(~s), ( ~ ya).β(~u)) (otherwise) Definition 3.3.5 (Machine configuration) We define a configuration of the abstract machine state as a tuple having the following form: ( E | P | S | V | Cy | op ), where • E is a heap, • P is a connection map, • S is a sequence of annotated terms pairs representing equations, • V is a sequence of annotated terms representing an interface, • Cy is a sequence of annotated terms pairs representing a sequence of cycles, and pairs for which there is no interaction rule, and • op is an instruction of this machine defined as follows: Instruction Description process(ta, ua) process the pair (ta, ua), delist pop a pair from S to be processed, enlist((~ ta, ~ ua)) push pairs (~ ta, ~ ua) onto S, cycle(x, ta) push a cycle pair (x, ta) to Cy. 44 The abstract machine is loaded with op = delist, and stops when S is the empty sequence and op is delist. In Figure 3.1 and 3.2 we give the semantics of the machine as a set of transition rules of the form: ( E | P | S | V | Cy | op ) =⇒ ( E′ | P′ | S′ | V ′ | C ′ y | op′ ). For readability purposes, we present the transitions in a table format. For example, the entry: Before After II.2 Heap E [z 7→ ta] E Connection P [x↔ z] P op process(x, y) process(ta, y) corresponds to: ( E[z 7→ ta] | P[x↔ z] | S | V | Cy | process(x, y) ) =⇒ ( E | P | S | V | Cy | process(ta, y) ). Before After I Connection P PP′ Cycles Cy ~ pa, Cy op process(( ~ xa).α(~s), ( ~ ya).β(~u)) enlist(~ qa) where Error(( ~ xa).α(~s), ( ~ ya).β(~u)) = ~ pa, Interaction(α(~s), β(~u)) = (~ qa, P ′). II.1 Connection P [x↔ y] P [x↔ y] op process(x, y) cycle(x, y) II.2 Heap E [z 7→ ( ~ xa).α(~t)] E Connection P [x↔ z] P op process(x, y) process(( ~ xa).α(~t), y) II.3 Heap E [z 7→ ⊥] [w 7→ ( ~ xa).t] E Connection P [x↔ z] [y ↔ w] P [x↔ z] op process(x, y) process(x, ( ~ xa).t) II.4 Heap E [z 7→ ⊥] [w 7→ ⊥] E Connection P [x↔ z] [y ↔ w] P [z ↔ w] op process(x, y) delist Figure 3.1: Transitions for codes process(( ~ xa).α(~s), ( ~ ya).β(~u)) and process(x, y) 45 Before After III.0 op process(( ~ xa).t, y) process(y, ( ~ xa).t) III.1 Heap E [x 7→ (~x, ).t] E Connection P [x↔ y] P op process(z, (y, ~ ya).s) process(z, (~x, ~ ya).s[t/y]) III.2 Heap E [x 7→ ⊥] E Connection P [x↔ y] P [x↔ y] op process(z, (y, ~ ya).s) process(z, ( ~ ya,y).s) III.3 Connection P [x↔ y] P [x↔ y] op process(x, (y, ~ ya).s) cycle(x, (y, ~ ya).s) III.4 Heap E [x 7→ ( ~ xa).t] E Connection P [x↔ z] P op process(z, ( , ~ ya).s) process(( ~ xa).t, ( , ~ ya).s) III.5 Heap E [x 7→ ⊥] E [z 7→ ( ~ ya, ).s] Connection P [x↔ z] P [x↔ z] op process(z, ( , ~ ya).s) delist T.1 Pairs (ta, ua), S S op delist process(ta, ua) T.2 Pairs S (ta, ua), S op enlist((ta, ua), ~ p) enlist(~ p) T.3 op enlist(−) delist T.4 Cycles Cy (ta, ua), Cy op cycle(ta, ua) delist Figure 3.2: Transitions for other codes Definition 3.3.6 (Initial loading) • We define a translation Compile() from a configuration of interaction nets into a configuration of the abstract machine state as follows: Compile(〈 ~t | ∆ 〉) def = ( [ ] | P′ | Ann(∆′) | Ann(~t′) | − | delist ) where ~t′ and ∆′ are the result of splitting each occurrence of a linear name x in ~t and ∆ into fresh names x1 and x2 respectively, and P ′ is the result of storing their linking information [x1 ↔ x2]. We can obtain the computation result by using the following operation: 46 Definition 3.3.7 (Updating operation) • We define a function remAnn : T ∪ Ta → T to obtain a term without annotation as follows:  remAnn(x) def = x, remAnn(α(t1, . . . , tn)) def = α(remAnn(t1), . . . , remAnn(tn)), remAnn(( ~ xa).t) def = remAnn(t). We extend this function into sequences as follows: remAnn(t1, . . . , tn) def = remAnn(t1), . . . , remAnn(tn). • We define the updating operation for distributed information Update as follows: Update( E | P | S | V | Cy | op ) def = Collect(E | P | V ), Collect(E | P[x↔ y] | V ) def = Collect(E[y/x] | P | V [y/x]), Collect(E[x 7→ ( ~ xa).t] | [ ] | V ) def = Collect(E | [ ] | V [t/x]), Collect([ ] | [ ] | V ) def = remAnn(V ). Example 3.3.8 Let us consider the case for Example 2.1.9. First, we obtain rules in the machine as follows:  (Add(y1, S(w1)), S(Add(y2, w2)), [y1 ↔ y2][w1 ↔ w2]) (Add(y1, y2), Z, [y1 ↔ y2]). For the configuration 〈 r | Add(Z, r) = S(Z) 〉, we obtain the following initial machine state: ( [ ] | [r1 ↔ r2] | (Add(Z, r2), S(Z)) | r1 | − | delist ). The execution result is given below: ( [ ] [r1 ↔ r2] (Add(Z, r2), S(Z)) r1 − delist ) =⇒T.3 ( [ ] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − process(Add(Z, r2), S(Z)) ) =⇒I  [ ] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − enlist  (( ).Z, y ′ 1), (r2, (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)), (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2))   =⇒∗T.2=⇒T.3 [ ] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (( ).Z, y ′ 1), (r2, (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)), (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − delist  47 =⇒T.1 [ ] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (r2, (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)), (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − process(( ).Z, y′ 1)  =⇒III.0  [ ] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (r2, (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)), (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − process(y′ 1, ( ).Z)  =⇒III.5 [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (r2, (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)), (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − delist  =⇒T.1  [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − process(r2, (w′ 1, ) .S(w′ 1))  =⇒III.2  [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − process(r2, ( ,w′ 1) .S(w′ 1))  =⇒III.5  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (( ).Z, (y′ 2,w 2, ).Add(y ′ 2, w ′ 2)) r1 − delist  =⇒T.1 [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − process(( ).Z, (y′ 2,w ′ 2, ) .Add(y′ 2, w ′ 2))  =⇒I  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′′ 1 ↔ y′′ 2 ], [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − enlist  (y′ 2, y′′ 1 ), (w′ 2, y ′′ 2 )   =⇒∗T.2=⇒T.3 [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′′ 1 ↔ y′′ 2 ], [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (y′ 2, y ′′ 1 ), (w′ 2, y ′′ 2 ) r1 − delist  48 =⇒T.1  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w ′ 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′′ 1 ↔ y′′ 2 ], [y′ 1 ↔ y′ 2] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (w′ 2, y ′′ 2 ) r1 − process(y ′ 2, y ′′ 1 )  =⇒II.4  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′′ 2 ] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] (w′ 2, y ′′ 2 ) r1 − delist  =⇒T.1  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [y′ 1 ↔ y′′ 2 ] [w′ 1 ↔ w′ 2] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − process(w′ 2, y′′ 2 )  =⇒II.4  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [w′ 1 ↔ y′ 1] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − delist  . Finally, by using the operation Update, we obtain the computation result as follows: Update  [r2 7→ (w′ 1, ,).S(w 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [w′ 1 ↔ y′ 1] [r1 ↔ r2] − r1 − delist  = Collect  [r2 7→ (y′ 1, ).S(y 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [r1 ↔ r2] r1  = Collect  [r2 7→ (y′ 1, ).S(y 1)] [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [ ] r2  = Collect ( [y′ 1 7→ ( ).Z] [ ] S(y ′ 1) ) = Collect ( [ ] [ ] S(Z) )

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